

 Transistor A transistor is an active electronic device composed of p-type and n-type semiconductors. It's used to amplify electrical signals and perform various other functions in electronic circuits. The invention of the transistor revolutionized the electronics industry. It was first invented in 1948 by American scientists Bardeen, Shockley, and Brattain. There are two primary types of transistors: (1) P-N-P Transistor  (2) N-P-N Transistor (1) P-N-P Transistor - P-N-P transistors consist of a thin n-type semiconductor layer sandwiched between two p-type semiconductor layers. This creates a three-layer structure: the central layer is called the base, the left layer is the emitter, and the right layer is the collector. (figure) (symbol) (2) NPN Transistor: -  In N-P-N transistors, a thin layer of p-type semiconductor is sandwiched between two n-type semiconductor layers, forming a three-layer structure. The central layer is called the base, the left layer is the emitter, and the


 What is a Sensor? A sensor is a device that detects physical or environmental changes, including speed, pressure, temperature, light, heat, humidity, and more. Similar to our human senses like eyes, ears, and nose that collect information and send it to the brain, electronic sensors detect and transmit data to a processor or microcontroller. Types of Sensors: This section will explore some common types of sensors: Proximity Sensor: Detects the presence or proximity of an object within a certain range. It can utilize sound, light, infrared radiation, or electromagnetic fields depending on its specific type. Light Sensor: Detects light intensity and adjusts device features accordingly, such as automatically adjusting phone screen brightness based on ambient light. Accelerometer: Detects device orientation (portrait or landscape) and can be used for various functionalities like rotating the screen automatically. It typically functions within a 90-degree range. Ultrasonic Sensor: Meas

Basic Component (Embedded System)

 Basic Components for Electronics Projects This chapter introduces some fundamental components commonly used in electronics projects. These components include: Seven Segment Display  Servo Motor LMIC Keypad Regulator IC Bluetooth Module Hc05 Buzzer Humidity / Temp Sensor Seven-Segment Display: This is a display device that can display decimal numbers and is often used in digital clocks, meters, calculators, and other electronic devices. It consists of seven individual LEDs arranged in a specific configuration to form various numbers and symbols. Working Principle: Each LED in a seven-segment display is assigned a number (as shown in the image). To display a specific digit, certain LEDs are turned on (active mode) while others are turned off. Example: To display the number 5, LEDs E, F, G, C, and D would be turned on, creating the shape of a "5." Similarly, any numerical digit can be displayed by selectively activating the corresponding LEDs. By combining multiple seven-segm


Arduino Arduino is an open-source electronics platform widely used for creating electronic projects. It's essentially a hardware module with a built-in microcontroller chip, programmed using software. There are various Arduino boards available, with the Arduino Uno being a popular choice. We'll explore building projects using this board later in the course. Origin of Arduino Arduino originated at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Italy. Its purpose was to facilitate a better learning experience for students in electronics, particularly for children. Additionally, Arduino IDE, a free software platform, serves as the primary tool for programming Arduino boards. Different Arduino Boards Several Arduino boards cater to diverse project needs. We'll delve deeper into specific models in the following sections. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board equipped with: 14 digital input/output pins for connecting various devices 6 analog input pins for reading analog data 16


 Programming A program is a collection of instructions that dictate the behavior of a computer. The CPU processes these instructions, resulting in the desired output. These instructions are written in a specific language known as a programming language. In this chapter, we'll focus on how these languages are used in embedded systems. Later, we'll explore specific programming languages used in this field. Since embedded systems are designed for specific tasks, microcontrollers need to be programmed with instructions relevant to those tasks. For example, a washing machine has a program that controls the motor's rotation (clockwise and anti-clockwise) upon turning it on. Hands-on Learning: To gain a deeper understanding of programming and embedded systems, creating your own project is highly recommended. You can work with a microcontroller module and program it to control a motor's rotation in both directions (clockwise and anti-clockwise). We'll provide further projec


 Microcontrollers A microcontroller is a digital computer on a single chip, integrating a microprocessor, memory, and input/output (I/O) devices. Unlike a general-purpose computer, a microcontroller is designed to perform specific tasks like light sensing and device control. Once programmed, it executes these tasks autonomously. Another way to understand a microcontroller is as a type of microcomputer that combines various components on a single chip, including: Input/Output (I/O) ports: for communication with external devices Timers and counters: for timing and control functions Memory: for storing program instructions and data Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter: for converting analog signals to digital Digital-to-Analog (D/A) converter: for converting digital signals to analog Learning Through Practice: To gain a deeper understanding of microcontrollers, creating a project and programming it to perform various tasks is highly recommended. Popular Microcontroller Modules: Several


 Microprocessors Initially, computers were built using individual logic gates. This stage is called Small-Scale Integration (SSI). As technology advanced, Medium-Scale Integration (MSI) and Super Large-Scale Integration (SLSI) were developed, allowing the entire CPU to be integrated onto a single chip. This chip, also known as a microprocessor, forms the core of a microcomputer. Today, microprocessors are present in various devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. The block diagram above illustrates the basic operation of a CPU. It receives instructions from memory, processes data accordingly, and displays or transmits the result to an output device following the program's instructions. Example: When you enter an instruction like "2 + 2" into the calculator application, the input device transmits this instruction to the CPU. The CPU then processes it and displays the corresponding result (4) on the output device (monitor) or stores it in memory. Main Compon