Electronics Components Devices
Electronics Components Devices
Electronic components form the building blocks of any electronic circuit. They come in various types, with some having two connection points (terminals) and others, like integrated circuits (ICs), having three. ICs, often used in surface-mount technology (SMT) and found in devices like mobile phones and computers, are just one example of the diverse components used in electronics. Generally, electronic components can be broadly categorized into two main types.
(1) Passive components
(2) Active components
(1) Passive components - Passive components do not require an external power source to operate. Examples include resistors, capacitors, and inductors. These components are directly added to a circuit and function without needing additional power. However, unlike active components, passive components cannot amplify or process signals.
(2) Active components - Active components require an external power source to function. Examples include diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits (ICs). To operate, these components need a supply voltage, often referred to as VCC. Additionally, active components can amplify signals, increasing their power.
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