
Showing posts from August, 2023

What is voltage?

 What is voltage? Voltage, also known as potential difference, refers to the energy difference between two points in a circuit. This energy difference creates a force, called electromotive force (EMF), that pushes electric current through the circuit. In simpler terms, voltage acts like a pump, driving the flow of electrons (current) in a conductor. Higher voltage corresponds to a stronger push, resulting in a faster flow of electrons.

What is electronics?

 What is electronics? The word "electronics" is derived from "electron." Therefore, we mainly study the flow of electrons and the components based on them, such as resistances, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits (ICs). We will explore all these in detail in the next chapter. The development of electronics has significantly improved our lives. Today, electronics play a crucial role in the fields of education, medicine, defense, and entertainment. We use top-of-the-line smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets, all products of this remarkable field.

What is electron?

 What is electron? Electrons are negatively charged particles. They keep rotating in orbits inside the atom. They have a charge of 1.6 × 10^-19 coulomb. It is denoted by 'e'. To understand electrons, we need to understand the structure of an atom. The diagram illustrates the structure of an atom, which consists of three fundamental particles: protons (p), neutrons (n), and electrons (e). Protons and neutrons reside at the center of the atom, forming the nucleus. Protons carry a positive charge (+ve), while neutrons are electrically neutral. Electrons, carrying negative charges, revolve around the nucleus in distinct orbits. The number of positive charges (protons) in an atom balances the number of negative charges (electrons), rendering the overall atom electrically neutral.  

What is Electricity?

 What is Electricity? Electric Charge Let's take an example to understand electric charge. When we rub a glass rod with silk, the rod attracts light objects like pieces of paper or straws towards itself. This attraction is a property of objects with electric charge. Once this property is present, we say that the rod has become charged. The reason behind the rod's charge lies in the transfer of electrons. When we rub the glass rod with silk, due to friction, some electrons in the atoms of the glass rod move to the atoms in the silk. This transfer leaves the glass rod with a positive charge because it loses electrons. Consequently, the positively charged rod attracts the light objects.

What is Electric Current?

 What is Electric Current? Electric current, measured in amperes (A), is the rate of flow of electric charge in a conductor. It is denoted by the symbol 'I'. One ampere is equivalent to the flow of one coulomb of charge per second. If a charge Q flows through a circuit for a time T, the current I can be calculated using the following equation: While electrons have a negative charge, the flow of electric current is conventionally described as flowing from the positive (+) terminal to the negative (-) terminal. The standard unit for measuring current is the ampere (A). Type of electric current There are two types of electric current - (1) A.C. (2) D.C. A.C- Alternating Current (AC) is the type of electrical current where its magnitude and direction change periodically. This is the type of electricity that powers most homes and appliances, like TVs, fans, and bulbs. AC is generated by rotating machinery called alternators. D.C.-  Direct Current (DC) is the type of electrical curre

Ohm's law

 Ohm's law Ohm's Law states that for a conductor at a constant physical state, the ratio of the voltage (V) applied across its ends to the current (I) flowing through it remains constant. This constant ratio is called the resistance (R) of the conductor. Ohm's Law allows us to calculate the values of voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. We can use it to find any one of these variables if the other two are known..

Electric Capacitance

 Electric Capacitance  An electric capacitor is a passive electronic component that stores electrical charge in an electrostatic field.  Capacitance, measured in Farads (F), represents the ability of a capacitor to store charge. Different types of capacitors exist, each with its own specific uses. Capacitance, measured in Farads (F), is the ability of a capacitor to store electrical charge. It's analogous to how a container can hold water. The more capacitance a capacitor has, the more charge it can store for a given voltage. where,  c = capacity  V = Voltage  Q = charge

What is electrical Inductance ?

 What is electrical Inductance ? Inductance is the property of a conductor that opposes changes in the current flowing through it. It is denoted by the symbol 'L'. When current flows through a coil of wire, a magnetic field is generated around the coil. This magnetic field creates a magnetic flux linked to the coil. Any change in this associated flux, whether due to a change in the current itself or other factors, induces an electromotive force (EMF) in the coil. Where, The induced electromotive force (EMF) generated in the coil opposes the change in the main current. This opposition to change is a characteristic property of inductors and is called inductance.

What is the resistance?

 What is voltage? Voltage, also known as potential difference, refers to the energy difference between two points in a circuit. This energy difference creates a force, called electromotive force (EMF), that pushes electric current through the circuit. In simpler terms, voltage acts like a pump, driving the flow of electrons (current) in a conductor. Higher voltage corresponds to a stronger push, resulting in a faster flow of electrons.